100 divers engaged in the cleaning of Giannutri island seabed: also taken away tubes

Metal pipes, cylinders, tires, in addition to the most easily imaginable plastic and glass bottles: this is what they found and gathered about 100 divers, engaged in cleaning the seabed of the island of Giannutri, within a project of the National Park Authority Tuscan Archipelago that wants to make citizens aware of good practices to reduce plastic consumption and prevent the abandonment of waste at sea. The divers have removed more than a ton of waste from the seabed which, selected by type, has been taken over by a specialist disposal company.

The artistic research of Italo Antico, steel tubes that tend towards the eternal

“His interventions, a sign of continuity in a space-time trajectory, appear as stainless steel tubes that, fluid and rigid at the same time, articulate the environments, imbuing them with charm and mutability”. Thus writes Gaia Dallera Ferrario to describe the artistic research of Italo Antico, born in Sardinia in 1934, always attentive to experimentation with materials and languages – painting, drawing for carpets, ceramics, creation of jewels – and, from the sixties, focused on sculpture, on space research and environmental installations, with the themes of the line and the set of lines at the center of his works. The result of his works are the very refined constructions in steel “tubes”, geometric and elegant shapes that vary with the light and draw ever new perspectives, inserted in the environmental context (often sacred) and in constant search for new spaces. As Plato stated, “the knowledge that geometry seeks is that of the eternal.”

A gangway of metal pipes to clean the banks of the river Savio

A bridge made of pipes and ground to allow excavators to ford the river and clean its steep banks, otherwise impossible to reach. This is what they invented in Cesena to raze tens of meters of reeds, shrubs and small trees that invaded the bed of the river Savio in the area where the vegetable gardens of the elderly were found, then abandoned. No problem on one side, the one on the University side, given the ease of access to mechanical means; but to go to the other side, much steeper and accessible only through a wooden bridge, the technicians had to build a gangway with large metal pipes and earth resting on it, which will then be removed once the cleaning and commissioning work is finished safety.

Star Technology

Star Technology progetta e produce macchine curvatubi CNC, impianti di lavorazione, punzonatura, deformazione e finitura del tubo, attrezzature ed automazioni speciali o a richiesta cliente oltre che centri di misura tridimensionali per il controllo e programmazione della vostra produzione.

La nostra attività ha oltre 40 anni d’esperienza applicata al piccolo artigianato e alla grande industria nei più svariati settori: dalla meccanica, al mondo automobilistico, dall’arredamento, all’aeronautica, impianti di tubature, raccorderie, kart, tubi medicali ecc.

Da sempre produciamo macchine curvatubi elettro-meccaniche, la nostra modernità, precisione, velocità, silenziosità, sicurezza, affidabilità e rispetto ambientale si sono dimostrate vincenti nei confronti delle curvatubi oleodinamiche tradizionali.

Con il nostro servizio software altamente professionale costruiamo macchine in modo facile da programmare, condurre, attrezzare e mantenere. Forniamo assistenza costante in tempo reale e in tutto il mondo per le nostre curvatubi.